
Released October 29th [button size='medium' style='' text='BUY/STREAM NOW' icon='' icon_color='' link='' target='_self' color='' hover_color='' border_color='' hover_border_color='' background_color='' hover_background_color='' font_style='' font_weight='' text_align='' margin='']...

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[vc_video link=''] John Doran sits down with former Verve frontman Richard Ashcroft ahead of the release of his fourth solo album 'These People’. Ashcroft discusses fatherhood, what he misses about the North, and Bitter Sweet Symphony....

About Hold On The second single taken from the album 'These People'.   Record Label Righteous Phonographic Association under exclusive licence to Cooking Vinyl Limited   [vc_video link='']...

  THE CURRENT ALBUM ‘THESE PEOPLE’ INCLUDES THE SINGLES 'HOLD ON' AND 'THIS IS HOW IT FEELS' ‘A LEGEND RETURNS’ – NME 4/5  ‘CLASSIC ASHCROFT COMEBACK’ – SHORTLIST [vc_row][vc_column width='1/3'] [button size='large' style='white' text='official store' icon='' icon_color='#000000' link='' target='_blank' color='#000000' hover_color='#ffffff' border_color='' hover_border_color='' background_color='#ffffff' hover_background_color='#1E73BE' font_style='normal' font_weight='400' text_align='center' margin='10px'] [button size='large'...

About Richard Ashcroft on the cover of Q Magazine February 2015. [button size='small' style='white' text='Read article' icon='' icon_color='' link='' target='_blank' color='' hover_color='' border_color='' hover_border_color='' background_color='' hover_background_color='' font_style='' font_weight='' text_align='' margin='']...